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Wed Feb 19 @19:00 - 09:00PM
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brats coffee morning

Silver Tern General Coverage Receiver

52226a7a-ab21-07b6The BRATS CLUB project - a Silver Tern General Coverage Receiver.

The receiver was supplied in kit form complete with building and access to an operation manual. The receiver should run for months on its internal 9v battery and is designed to operate from an electrically short antenna...10 feet of antenna will do nicely! An earth is not strictly required for this receiver, So it is portable.

As designed the Receiver should cover approx 5.5MHz to 10MHz in a single band. This range can be extended if you want to by making other coils to plug into the coil holder. Details of ideas for you to try will be supplied. It is anticipated, that with patience, the receiver will cover the entire spectrum from long waves, through medium waves and the short waves to above twenty metres. The highest frequency limit will only be discovered once we all start experimenting. You may be lucky and go above the end of the short waves at 10 metres.

You will need to supply with headphones so you can listen in secrecy and overall size is expected to be approx 7" wide, 5" deep and 5" high.

Why this receiver.........well this has been specifically chosen for several reasons.

1 hours of fun will be had with this.

2 you will learn a lot without realising it.

3. good construction project for those going for their Intermediate Examination practical.

The kit was be distributed to those members of BRATS taking part.
