Across the Road, Across the World.

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Upcoming Events

Wed Feb 19 @19:00 - 09:00PM
club shack night
Thu Feb 20 @20:00 -
2m net on DA repeater
Tue Feb 25 @20:00 - 09:00PM
160m chat 1.974
Sun Mar 02 @10:00 - 12:00PM
brats coffee morning

QSL Info


GB2QJ qsl front   GB2QJ qsl rear 

GB2QJ The Queens Diamond Jubilee QSL card will be used between 1st -28th June 2012




 BRATS QSL Information for


The Brats do not hold any other current call-signs other than those above

For all normal contacts The BRATS send paper QSL cards via RSGB bureau, so please send your QSL card via your bureau or you can send it direct to us through the QSL manager address on

All contest stations worked will ONLY be sent a QSL confirmation through

However if you require a paper confirmation for a contest contact then please QSL direct to the QSL manager.

Please NO QSL requests from stations who worked G0BRC or G7BRC over 1 year ago.