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Upcoming Events

Wed Feb 19 @19:00 - 09:00PM
club shack night
Thu Feb 20 @20:00 -
2m net on DA repeater
Tue Feb 25 @20:00 - 09:00PM
160m chat 1.974
Sun Mar 02 @10:00 - 12:00PM
brats coffee morning

About Us

Who are the BRATS

  Who are we?
  The name BRATS is an acronym for the Bredhurst Receiving And Transmitting Society.
  The club is an Affiliated Member of the RSGB  (Radio Society of Great Britain).

We are a group of Amateur Radio enthusiasts based in the Medway Towns who are serious about having a good time and lots of fun. Most amateurs know of the BRATS due to the rally which we hold once a year, normally during the 1st quarter. Our rally brings together the amateur masses primarily from Kent and the bordering counties. It gives these folk a hands on opportunity to buy the new and established products on offer. It also gives us a chance to meet face to face!

A little bit of history
The Society was first formed in February 1982, under the name of the Bredhurst Breakers Club (BBC). The club was best described as an up market CB Radio Club, due mainly to its interest in the technical side of radio (CB) and the lectures. Within a short time the limitations of CB were realised by many of the members, and a steady progression into amateur radio and short wave listening took place. To reflect this wider interest the club changed its name to the Bredhurst Receiving and Transmitting Society (the BRATS) The society is in the unique position of being able to offer the hardened Radio Ham, the CBer and the SWL a common meeting ground where all facets of the hobby of radio communication can be seen.

What do we do?
The BRATS are very active all year round, but during the summer months we like to get outside and enjoy our hobby in the field. This includes DF hunts, field events and contest work. There is normally something going on most weekends. Outdoor events normally take place in Bredhurst nr Gillingham but we also support other amateur clubs and organisations. The BRATS also enjoy lectures, quiz nights and fun nights at our meetings.

Where do we meet?
The BRATS currently meet at the club shack weekly at 7pm. If you wish to meet us, then please first contact the secretary at the link Here

On The Air.

Some of us meet on air each Tuesday from 8:00pm to 9:00pm on 1.974Mhz L.S.B. as the "Home Constructors Net", all licenced amateurs are  welcome to join in. There is a "Club Net" open to all on 2m band on Thursday at 20:00 local time on GB3DA  repeater ( 145.725 mhz )

We are also on Facebook -

How do I join or enquire?
You may come along to the club venue on a club night to meet us, if you want to join the BRATs then please ask for a form either in the shack or contact the BRATS club secretary Here for a pdf form.

Please note forms have to be completed and given to a committee member, on a club night in the shack, please have full or half year part payment in cash with you  ....thank you

Your membership application will be proposed to the committee for approval and you will be notified of the outcome, if you are unsuccessful in your application your money will be refunded,we reserve the right of refusal