Across the Road, Across the World.

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Upcoming Events

Wed Feb 19 @19:00 - 09:00PM
club shack night
Thu Feb 20 @20:00 -
2m net on DA repeater
Tue Feb 25 @20:00 - 09:00PM
160m chat 1.974
Sun Mar 02 @10:00 - 12:00PM
brats coffee morning

Training Information

Training Information

The BRATS do not provide online courses.

The BRATS published its first self training material at the end of 2001 and ran its first Foundation Course in February 2002 and this was followed by many successful Foundation short courses (3 hours revision prior to an Exam). With many changes to the exam syllabuses and the retirement of the Lead Instructor training at the Brats stopped at the Brats in about 2008.

A re-birth of the self training course took place in April 2012. As previously, with this FREE on line learning resources many students are able to study on their own without attending a formal course. This allows the student to proceed in their preparation for the exam at their own pace.

The BRATS Club now has self-training material that covers in detail all three levels of examination and has a full back up of tutors who have detailed knowledge of their subject. Currently there are several club members actively participating the BRATS CLUB training.

Access to the TRAINING WEB SITE 

The Web site is up to date as of November 2023. Latest changes 2024 in the syllabus and latest licence conditions will be updated as soon as possible.

The aim of the BRATS self-training website is to assist you to pass your exam and to enjoy the learning of the knowledge to enable you to pass.