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What is the BRATS' ethos ?

BRATS training has the ethos of friendship and "Learning by practical application".

How many levels of amateur radio licence are there in UK ?

The Foundation, Intermediate and Full Amateur Radio Licences are part of a suite of three levels designed to give access to the "Amateur Radio" bands after passing the necessary examination.

The Foundation Examination the entry level and leads to a Foundation Amateur Radio Licence.

The Intermediate Examination is the second level and leads to an Intermediate Amateur Radio Licence.

The Advanced Examination is the top level of the structure and leads to a Full Amateur Radio licence.

What is the shortest time a student studying along with the BRATS help has achieved a pass at the Foundation Licence Exam, then the Intermediate Licence Exam and the Advanced Licence exam?

14 weeks from first contact with a Registered Instructor to a pass slip for the Advanced exam with the FL exam and IL exam also passed. This was in the early days and could not be achieved currently.

Do the BRATS have a fast track facility ?

The BRATS do not have a fast track facility for students wishing to take the exams in a short time.

How much notice is needed to book an exam ?

This all depends upon which exam you wish to sit. For the Foundation and Intermediate Licence Exams certainly not less than 10 working days, for ALC the application for a place at an exam must be with the RSGB prior to the closing date for the exam which can be generally taken as at least working 10 days before to the exam - but your tutor can advise you further. You can take the exam online or at our exam centre.

Do I have to attend a course ?

We no longer provide formal courses, but can assist and advise at club nights when you become a member.

How do I join a BRATS' Course?

Email the Course tutor using the link email address at the bottom of the first page of training site.

What should I look at first in the FLC ?

As there are no longer any practicals to do before you sit your Foundation exam you will probably want to view the videos on the RSGB Website

How long does a course take for the Foundation Licence ?

As long as you need. You would need to have carried out about 12 hours of study at home or at a course to have a good expectation of a pass.

Do I have to take out a Foundation Licence when I have passed the Foundation level ?

You do not have to take out a licence at any level before progressing to the next tier.

Can I go straight to the Intermediate level without passing the Foundation level ?

No you have to pass through each tier what ever is your background. You may also wish to go straight for the full licence And there is a manual from RSGB for that scenario.

How long does a course take for the Intermediate Licence ?

As long as you need but we anticipate that a total time spent learning of about 30 hours.

How long does a courses take for the Advanced Licence ?

As long as you need but we anticipate that a total time spent learning of about 60 hours.

Can one study at home and still pass exams ?

Home study from our web site has been a practical solution for many candidates who have achieved passes.

What are the cost for the exams?

The cost of taking the Radio Communications Examinations went up with effect from the early 2024. These are listed in each course information panels BUT are Subject to change without notice on this web site.

The BRATS' Exam centre.

The BRATS have a remote shack that can cater for two student to take their paper exams or online exams. Whilst exams are in progress only those persons who are administering the exams are allowed in the exam centre and the other requirements of the Radio Communications Foundation are adhered to namely checking the identity of the candidates, the display of the start and finish time, a "Quiet Exam in Progress" sign outside the door and any distracting material removed from notice board etc and of course other exam rules followed.

What is the benefit of obtaining an Intermediate licence after the Foundation Licence ?

The Intermediate Licence holder can operate, in general, at 400W, can make and modify their transmitting equipment, can operate through satellites and work with the Users Services.

What is the advantage of achieving the Advanced Amateur Radio Licence ?

There are many advantages and here are just a few :-

As a holder of this licence you can operate to a maximum 1000W output

Have access to all the bands available and can operate maritime mobile and abroad (in accordance with the licence conditions and those of the host country).

Can supervise the assessment of Foundation and Intermediate Licence holders practicals (subject to overall supervision of a Registered Instructor)

After a period of time apply for the appointment as a Registered Instructor.

Can supervise the running of a special event station

Can supervise the use of greetings messages by non licenced but interested persons.

Who wrote the BRATS teaching web site?

This training site is the work of several dedicated club members whose specialist skills are :-

not only in amateur radio

but also industry based electronics,


teaching and

web site design.

How big is the web site ?

The site comprises of over 200 pages and nearly 1000 drawing / animations that previously took a new student to the hobby from the Foundation Licence examination through the Intermediate Licence examination to the Advanced Licence examination as quickly as they wish to progress, of course giving time to sit exams!

Who gives feed back about the site ?

Past and present students feed back information and this site is updated accordingly.

How often is the website up dated ?

Sometimes on a daily basis but often it is several weeks before changes are needed.

Disclaimer:- This web site has taken many hours of hard work from members of the BRATS, and it is hoped that as far as possible that the contents are accurate. However no responsibility can be accepted for any errors or omissions that may exist on this site. It is your own responsibility to decide the suitability of this site for your use and that the site development team cannot be responsible for any misuse or misunderstanding or incorrect information.

The site continues to develop as more information comes to hand.

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- Bredhurst Receiving And Transmitting Society